Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Getting Ready

I took this photo today...

thinking it would be the last photo I would take before the door would be put in.  I don't want to get into what's happening just yet as I am hopeful that things will blow over.  But for now, what I can report is that Will's best friend called him tonight to tell him he was coming out tomorrow at 7am ready to demo and get the door in all in one day.... and we had to tell him to wait one more day...  Fingers and toes crossed everyone.  Fingers and toes crossed...

But on to what's been happening this week.

With not having a garage, or proper rooms to store things in, we usually just place things where they will be out of the way.  It can be super frustrating since it's stuff that we can't get rid of, but takes up a ton of space (beds, dressers, winter tires etc).  Knowing the door will be going in soon we needed to clean up this section of the hallway, as well as take down the drop ceiling.

If anyone doesn't know what drop ceiling is (cause I had no idea what it was called until we got this place), it's the type of ceiling that are in most offices.  Those white squares you can push up and inspect electrical and such.  Once everything was taken out, and the ceiling was ripped out we got to see what we are working with.

This is what the tin ceiling is looking like.  We knew of some of the missing tin as we used it for the ceiling where the church bells sit.  We needed the trim.

It was one of our contractors that ripped out the trim and used it for the other part of the ceiling.  What he didn't mention (or really we didn't even think to discuss) was that the wires of the church bells don't just go strait up into the attic.  For some frustrating, unknown reason, they were angled into this part of the ceiling within the soon to be porch and then up into the attic.  Here is a closer look.

This is super frustrating as we had decided to keep the bells where they are and built around them.

So we could move them in to the space where the door will be placed and they could be one of the first things you see as you walk in.

But one of the issues is that everything would then be backwards.  Bell 8 would become bell 1 and all the hymns we have could no longer be played.  We would have to take out the wall just to build around it again.  A frustration and some decisions we didn't think we would have to make.  We have thought about just taking out the tin ceiling here and designing the ceiling so we could just cover the wires.  The tin might have to come out no matter what as we are working with limited resources.  Since the church decided to cover the tin ceiling with terrible faux wood paneling.  Many areas of the tin have been destroyed in the main space of the church.

Because of this, we are discussing not having the tin ceiling in the loft area so we have more to work with and replace for the living room space.  It's a large area we are worried that is going to be damaged.

What will most probably happen is once the door is in we will finish the demo of the main area of the church.  That will include taking down the remainder of the faux wood paneling.  We can then assess the damage of the tin and decide from there what we are going to do.

But for now, let's just concentrate on getting this door in!

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