Monday, 14 July 2014

My Small Town aka Trying to Stay Positive

I decided to start this blog of our church reno as a sort of diary of our experiences and to share with my friends and family who live far away.  As with most things in life you ride a roller coaster of sorts and experience ups and downs.  I am emotionally having a dip in the ride and needed to remind myself of how far we have come in this adventure and how excited I am (somewhere in here) to move to such a beautiful little town.

When we were at a stand still waiting for the mud on the drywall to dry we decided to have a little drive around our new town.  For anyone who is interested here is a link to the town website.  Indian Head  It has all sorts of history and pictures (and explains where the town name comes from).

Here are just a few pictures from our little drive.

Growing up in Saskatchewan I have heard multiple times the joke "UH the PRARIES?!!! There is just NOTHING to look at!"  I think this proves they can be pretty photogenic as these were taken with just my phone.

We even caught the town parade the day after.

I am excited to move to a community that has done nothing but make us feel welcome and to have multiple neighbors that have already invited us into their homes, offering their help in any way we need.  It's the reno itself that is sucking the excitement out of me.  Today I ended up needing to drive out to the church to deal with some issues, come back in and return/exchange some stuff, then drive around looking for coloured grout that apparently we are the only ones interested in as it would have taken three weeks after it was ordered.  With it being needed tomorrow that was just not going to work.

Sorry everyone, this post was really just for me.  Home stretch Victoria!  Stay positive!!!


  1. I love First Nations culture, and I love your pictures. It's wonderful that your neighbors have been so welcoming to you and Willy. Looking forward to family Christmas' out in Indian Head in the future!!!!

  2. Your pictures are beautiful. Chin up, this is one of those "things worthwhile are never easy" times. You have stacked a few of those on to yourself and Will too, remember to take times like this one for yourself, your soul, your heart. XO
