Thursday, 11 August 2016

The Loft is a GO!!

So Chris sent us an email this week with the news we have been wanting to hear.  The engineer looked over things and does not see any issue with us having a loft space.  YES!!!  Like Y. E. S. YES YES YES!!!  I've been trying to think of how I would want the upstairs space designed without a loft and I just couldn't think of anything that made me as happy as a loft.  There was a lot of happy dancing and wine drinking the day we received the good news.

Will received pictures of our church from the archives.  They couldn't help with other questions we had, but we are very excited about these pictures.

I absolutely love this last photo.  We often are told how thankful people are that we are restoring the church into a home instead of taking it down to build a new home.  This photo to me shows so many people who love this building.

We have been trying to keep busy while waiting to hear from Chris.  During this time Will helped my father rip up very old carpet and lay laminate flooring.  Here are some before photos.

The living room


Hallway by the bedrooms

In the process

Someone trying to come help daddy and grandad

And the after photos

The guys did a great job!  Dad just needs to put baseboards down and that's it.  As for us, we picked up scaffolding so we can officially begin the demo of the upstairs.  I'm really looking forward to finally checking out the tin ceiling in the main part of the church!

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