Tuesday, 29 April 2014


Last week during a full day meeting I had booked with my supervisor, my contractor called me and asked why the power company had not shown up as planned.  When I called the power company I apparently had spoken to someone that was brand new. She had not booked the appointment properly as we needed a disconnect/reconnect for the electrician but nobody had come.  When I called and asked what the issue was the power company realized the mistake.  I received multiple apologies and was then told that the appointment could not be booked until today.  Frustration!! 

On the positive side the insulation is almost all in.

Living room

Ceiling of living/dining room




It was a little offputting as to how quite it is now.  William was standing in the laundry room and I was in the kitchen and I had a hard time hearing him since all the sound was soaked up by the insulation.  

William called our contractor and the electric is all done.  The bedroom window should be finished this week.  After the inspector checks on everything up goes the drywall.  EXCELLENT!

1 comment:

  1. Exciting times!! I'm looking forward to a little road trip out there this summer with you guys :-) You can show us around your new little town!!
