Thursday, 5 June 2014

Convoy of Cupboards and a Window

I have never been a looking at flyers/searching for the best deal type of person.  I never really had a reason to until now.  I scan EVERY flyer that comes to the house.  In doing this we found a fabulous deal.  The experience of buying the cupboards was not the greatest but now that we have them, that doesn't seem a big deal.

My contractor has a huge truck so I asked him to come with me to pick up the cupboards.  We discussed using the trailer as well, but thought everything would fit in one truck.  We were wrong.

At this point we still had two more very large pieces that were still being brought out from the warehouse.  Luckily, William had brought our truck to work that day, so I called him to bring it.

The pile in the main part of the church is becoming extremely full of stuff.  But we have the space and some of these deals just cannot be passed up!

Now it's a matter of picking out the hardware and countertops.  Oh I don't know... that one? (Getting really tired of all these decisions!!)

The basement is going to be taped and mudded this weekend.  While we are waiting for this, my amazing guys are working up in the main hallway.  I worked with them the past two days. I already knew they were amazing and did great work, but I have much more appreciation for what they do as they made sure I was doing my part.

This is what the outside windows look like.  They all have the triangle peaks at the top of each window.

The thing we don't understand is that whoever did this covered up more windows.  We eventually want to uncover all the windows.  For now, two in the hallway.

Did I mention how amazing my guys are?  Lots of the wood was rotten, so they built their own window sills.

And the final product.

These obviously still need some TLC.  We still need to scrape off the old paint, prime and paint but I don't know about you.  I think this looks way better and brings in more natural light.

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